Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Douglas Rushkoff Discusses Publishing Future

Life Inc. The Movie from Douglas Rushkoff on Vimeo.

It's nice to have your existence validated first thing in the morning by Douglas Rushkoff:

"...there have been efforts to expand the very definition of a “book” into something more interactive and mutable - something more like TV and movies - but this in itself is not practical. “Books are less liquid, viral and recombinant,” says Rushkoff. “Text is pretty straight up and down, books are lopped off. They are live media, but they are static — the ink is set, the tree has been killed, like the Bible, they have been redacted. Books are a complete, self-contained experience.”

"He advocates that publishers form small elite teams to do focused, limited lists of books."

Check out the complete article at Publishing Perspectives: http://publishingperspectives.com/?p=1131

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