Friday, January 28, 2011
The Nature of Reality
The Nature of Reality
Roundtable discussion featuring Mark Alford, Deepak Chopra (moderator), Stuart Hameroff, Menas Kafatos, David Kleinberg-Levin
In the concluding chapter of The Road to Reality, mathematician Roger Penrose asks, “What is reality?” He goes on to state, “I do not believe that we have yet found the true ‘road to reality,’ despite the extraordinary progress that has been made over two and half millennia, particularly in the last few centuries. Some fundamentally new insights are certainly needed.... Some readers may still take the view that the road itself may be a mirage. Others might take the view that the very notion of a ‘physical reality’ with a truly objective nature, independent of how we might choose to look at it, is itself a pipe dream.” Penrose’s inquiry provides the parameters for this roundtable—can physics and mathematics fully describe reality? Is it possible that reality will never be fully described within a mathematical framework, thus questioning whether mental processes and consciousness can be fully explained within the physics/mathematics paradigm? Is it possible that a future, yet undiscovered physics/mathematics will accurately define reality?
(Please Note: This event is free and open to the public. It is recommended that you arrive at least 20 minutes early to get a seat. Please do not hold seats for late-comers. Additional seating will be available for a large-screen simulcast one floor down from the event space.)
Philoctetes Center is housed at the New York Psychoanalytic Institute at 247 East 82nd St. in New York City.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
All the fuss about the Oscars got me thinking about my favorite movie that I watched last year, which was Mother. It's pretty fantastic. I also really liked Exit Through the Gift Shop, which inspired a heated debate with Eliza. I didn't see The King's Speech, and thought The Social Network and Winter's Bone were good but lacking some element that would qualify them as 'great.'
Please hit me up with some movie recommendations...
For any horror fans, my pal Sam Freeman co-wrote the script to a flick called Breadcrumbs. I don't know much other than it's getting some positive reviews, and that it's like a reverse Hansel and Gretel.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Miscellany On Ice
Yesterday, Xiaoda Xiao's "searing" memoir-in-stories, The Visiting Suit: Stories From My Prison Life got a pretty terrific review from The New York Times Book Review. They said, "[Xiao] recount[s] his struggle in sometimes unexpectedly lovely detail. Against great odds, in the grimmest of settings, he manages to find good in the darkness."
I was glad they seemed to focus on this point. Certainly, it's a bleak story, that of his imprisonment, but what is most striking to me about the work is Xiao and his fellow inmates' desire to survive with their dignities and passion intact.
This past weekend, Grace Krilanovich was interviewed by Jonathan Bastion of Aspen Public Radio as part of the program 'Page by Page's' special segment on "Young Fiction Masters." Grace was spotlighted alongside Adam Levin, author of The Instructions. Check it out!
And, last but not least, the blog Three Guys One Book spotlighted Emily Pullen as part of their Why We Love What We Do feature, allowing Emily to dish on her favorite parts of bookselling and working at Skylight. It's clear that Emily's exceptionally passionate about BOOKS and reading, and we feel really lucky to have her as part of our team.
Also, through Emily, we'll be sharing a booth with Skylight Books at this spring's Los Angeles Times Festival of Books, which we're genuinely excited about. More on that to come.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Fashion Monster
Per the site:
"Fashion Monster, a project conceived by illustrator/retoucher Eli Neugeboren and photographer Dustin Cohen, combines the designs of Sarah Brashers’ line “Edelweiss by Sarah” with Neugeborens’ “monster” illustrations. In creating a modern film noir feel, the model was directed to act out scenes in which she was being followed by the brightly colored monster characters who were later placed in frame. This project was shot on location around lower Manhattan at the beginning of Fall 2010."
Friday, January 07, 2011
Barbara Browning Bonanza
These readings have been posted on our blog before but never in one tidy place. Here they are.
Thursday, January 06, 2011
Big Ups, Mike Brezinski!
Mike Brezinski says it best himself:
"the first time i heard of two dollar radio was while browsing htmlgiant. i noticed that there were a lot of posts devoted to a book with a really weird title and amazing jacket art. shortly after, upon reading reviews and excerpts, my book club friends and i decided to read the orange eats creeps. grace krilanovich punched me directly in the throat and i couldn't have been happier.
"a friend of mine (also in book club) told me about the promotion and, well...yeah. here we are. i'm excited to read more of what y'all have published.
"a couple things: yes, that is a burning man tattoo. yes, the placement of the radio is kind of a nod to say anything. no, i've never actually seen the movie. i'm kind of weird like that, i guess.
"the tattoo was done by my friend mikey vigilante (who also, coincidentally enough, executed sanjay bisht's tattoo) at our friend sean's place in the mission district of san francisco."
Big ups, Mike.
The Correspondence Artist

Earlier this week, Publishers Weekly raved about the book, saying "Browning relentlessly explores her theme of love's many faces, giving readers a rewardingly offbeat novel that's by turns sexy, humorous, and insightful."
For those who may have missed it, Bomb Magazine ran an excerpt last summer, and The Fanzine excerpted in the fall. There are plenty more good things on the way. Barbara's an extraordinarily graceful and witty writer, and I feel confident that this first novel will leave readers feeling satisfied.
Also, The Correspondence Artist marks the first time we will be working with a new printer -- Friesens, out of Canada. Who cares, right? The printers we've worked with in the past have been unable to print our books on 100% recycled paper content. Due to the size of our print runs, we have to print with paper stock the printer keeps warehoused, which is whatever the corporate presses use. So, beginning with The Correspondence Artist, all our books will be published on recycled paper. They'll still feature French flaps and deckle edges, and apart from the cool stamp on the copyright page (pictured below) you likely won't notice any difference. So you can read and feel good about it.

Big Ups, Debbie Paredes!
Big ups to Debbie Paredes, the latest member of our tattoo subscription club!
Debbie, out of Vacaville, CA, who "loves peanut butter and drawing," gets extra credit for getting it done grande, making the boys look like wusses (I'm including myself in with the wusses with my baby wrist tat -- although it could be argued that the inside of the wrist was a pretty painful spot).
Welcome to the fam, Deb.
You Are My Heart galleys

Stories from the collection have appeared in The Gettysburg Review, Ploughshares, TriQuarterly, The Notre Dame Review, Columbia Magazine, Hadassah, and one story -- 'Comfort' -- is forthcoming in everyone's favorite lit mag Black Clock, due out this spring (I believe).
There's a quote from Wayne Koestenbaum from a Bookforum review he wrote of Bolano's Last Evenings on Earth, in which he says that he is addicted to the haze that floats above Bolano's fiction. When I read that blurb something clicked, because that's how I feel about Jay's stories. Although I've come to understand that this "haze" is not murky, but the magic associated with wandering into the complete and fully rendered world of the author.
Anyone interested in getting an advance reader copy of You Are My Heart can drop a line to Brian at brian[at]